Insurance > Social insurance in the Netherlands

Social insurance in the Netherlands

When working in the Netherlands, it is mandatory to make Dutch social security payments. This is split into two areas.

Social insurance in the Netherlands
Insurance: Social insurance in the Netherlands

Social insurance is split in two areas.

The first is national insurance (volksverzekeringen) which covers:

  • Pensions (Algemene Ouderdomswet - AOW)
  • Survivor benefits (Algemene nabestaandenwet - Anw)
  • Long-term care (Wet langdurige zorg)
  • Child benefits (Algemene Kinderbijslagwet)

The second is employee insurance (werknemersverzekeringen) which covers:

  • Sick leave (Ziektewet)
  • Unemployment benefits (Werkloosheidswet - WW)
  • Disability benefits (Wet Inkomen en Arbeid - WIA)

When you are self-employed in the Netherlands have to make national insurance payments. Employee insurance is optional.

This page was last updated: 01/03/2022.