With around 120 bilingual schools in the Netherlands, there is a growing interest under parents to raise their children with two languages. In this section we explore bilingual schools in the Netherlands.
There is a growing number of internationally orientated bilingual schools (normally a combination of Dutch and English). Where half of the subjects are taught in English. The general exams at the end of the curriculum are in Dutch however. Some bilingual schools offer special programmes for non-Dutch speakers.
List of bilingual primary schools in the Netherlands list by city.
Winford Bilingual Primary School Amsterdam
Provides a dual-language Dutch & English primary education for children aged 4-12.
De Nieuwe Internationale School van Esprit (DENISE)
Offers bilingual primary and middle year education in English and Dutch.
Florencius International School
Provides an international curriculum for children aged 4-12 years
Winford Bilingual Primary School The Hague
Offers fully immersive, dual-language Dutch & English primary education for ages 4-12.
HSV International Primary School
Provides English language education for children aged 4-11, offering the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and Dutch language lessons.
Winford Bilingual Primary School Haarlem
Offers small class sizes with personalized attention, integrating English and Dutch languages for students aged 4-12.
Florencius International School
Provides an international curriculum for children aged 4-12 years
International School Utrecht
An IB World School for students between 4-18 years, offering all three IB programs.
Harbour International Primary School
Dutch primary school offering education in English.
Salto International School
Provides an international curriculum for children aged 4-12, integrating Dutch language and culture.
Florencius International School
Provides an international curriculum for children aged 4-12 years
OSG Willem Blaeu - tvwo, thavo
Pius X College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
OSG De Meergronden - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Scala College - tvwo, thavo
Farel College Amersfoort - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Atrium - tvwo, thavo
Van Lodensteincollege - tvwo
Hermann Wesselink College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Berlage Lyceum - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Bredero Mavo - tvmbo
Hervormd Lyceum West - tvwo, thavo
Hubertus & Berkhoff - tvmbo
Ir Lely Lyceum - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
St. Nicolaaslyceum - tvwo, thavo
Jacobus Fruytier SG, locatie Apeldoorn - tvwo
KSG Apeldoorn - tvwo, thavo
Lorentz Lyceum - tvwo, thavo
CS Vincent van Gogh - tvwo, thavo
Varendonck College - tvwo, thavo
Portus Groene Hart - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Over Betuwe College - tvwo, thavo
RSG ’t Rijks - thavo, tvwo
Wolfert Lansing - tvmbo
Heerbeeck College - thavo, tvwo
Pius X-College Bladel - tvwo
Metameer, locatie Boxmeer - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
De Nassau - tvwo
Mencia de Mendoza - tvwo, thavo
Broklede - thavo, tvwo
Comenius College, locatie Lijstersingel - tvwo, thavo
Jac. P. Thijsse College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Merlet College - tvwo
Koningin Wilhelmina College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
ORS Lek en Linge - tvwo, thavo
Grotius College - tvwo
Dalton Den Haag - tvwo
Hofstad Lyceum - tvwo
Maris College - tvmbo
Wateringse Veld College - tvwo, thavo
Etty Hillesum Lyceum | Stormink - tvwo, thavo
Ulenhofcollege - tvwo
Panora Lyceum - t-mavo, t-havo, t-ath, t-gym
Cambreur College - tvwo, thavo
Revius Lyceum Doorn - tvwo
Dorenweerd College - tvwo
Stedelijk Dalton Lyceum - tvwo, thavo
CSG Liudger, locatie Raai - tvwo, thavo
Marnix College - tvwo, thavo
Stedelijk College Eindhoven - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Carmelcollege Emmen - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
RSG Enkhuizen - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Stedelijk Lyceum Zuid - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
RSG Noord Oost Veluwe - tvwo
Christelijk College Groevenbeek - tvwo
Pontes scholengroep, locatie ’t Goese Lyceum - tvwo
Lyceum Oudehoven - tvwo
Antonius College Gouda - tvwo, thavo
CSG De Goudse Waarden - tvwo, tgymnasium, thavo
Driestar College, locatie Gouda - tvwo
Gomarus College - tvwo
Maartenscollege - thavo, tvwo
Mendelcollege - tvwo, thavo
Schoter SG - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
RSG Slingerbos / Levant - thavo, tvwo
Trinitas College - tvwo
Sintermeertencollege - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Helinium - tvwo, thavo
Penta College CSG Jacob van Liesveldt - tvwo, thavo
Jan van Brabant College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Montessori College Twente - tvwo, thavo
Sint-Janscollege - tvwo
Haarlemmermeer Lyceum - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Tabor College Werenfridus - tvwo, thavo
Andreas College, locatie Pieter Groen - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Bertrand Russell College - tvwo
Charlemagne College, locatie Eijkhagen - tvwo
Heerenlanden - tvwo, thavo
Montessori Highschool - thavo, tvmbo
Visser ‘t Hooft Lyceum - tvwo, thavo
Porteum - tvwo, thavo
Porta Mosana College - thavo, tvwo
CSW van de Perre - tvwo
Nehalennia SG - tvwo
Anna van Rijn College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Cals College - tvwo, thavo
Kandinsky College - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest - tvwo
2College Durendael - tvwo, thavo
Maaslandcollege - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
CSG Willem van Oranje - tvwo, thavo
Da Vinci College - tvwo, thavo
Farel College Ridderkerk - tvwo
Bisschoppelijk College Broekhin - tvwo
Jan Tinbergen College - tvwo
Rodenborch College - tvwo, thavo
Wartburg College, locatie Guido de Brès - tvwo
Wolfert Tweetalig - tvwo, thavo
Rijnlands Lyceum Sassenheim - tvwo, thavo
Elde College - tvwo
Schoonhovens College - tvwo
Milton Peters College & Sundial School - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Metameer, locatie Stevensbeek - tvwo, thavo
Lodewijk College - tvwo, thavo
2College Cobbenhagen - tvwo, thavo
Beatrix College - tvwo, thavo
SG St. Canisius - tvwo, thavo
Leidsche Rijn College – tvwo, thavo
Sondervick College - tvwo, thavo
College Den Hulster - tvwo, thavo
Het Lyceum VOS - tvwo, thavo
Lentiz College locatie Groen van Prinsterer - tvwo, thavo
Sint-Maartenscollege SG - tvwo
Dr. Mollercollege - tvwo, thavo
Coenecoop College - tvwo, thavo
Isendoorn College - tvmbo, tvwo, thavo
Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar - tvwo
Het College Weert - tvwo
Philips van Horne SG - thavo
Vechtstede College - tvwo
RSG Wiringherlant - tvwo, thavo
Revius Lyceum Wijk bij Duurstede - tvwo
Dr. Albert Schweitzer College - tvwo, thavo
Dr. Albert Schweitzer College Parera - tvmbo
Marnix Colle Rio Canario - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
SKAIH Pre-Universitario - tvwo, thavo
Dollardcollege - tvwo
Blaise Pascal College - tvwo
Christelijk Lyceum Zeist - tvwo, thavo
Alfrink College - tvwo, thavo
Walburg College Zwijndrecht - tvwo, thavo
Carolus Clusius College - tvwo, thavo
Van der Capellen Scholengemeenschap - tvwo, thavo, tvmbo
Bilingual schools in the Netherlands: