International Primary School Almere
The school is funded and recognized by Dutch government.
Letterland offers a highly academic program for expat students aged 4-11, living in Flevoland and the Amsterdam area.
Admissions information and procedure
Students between the ages of 4 and 11 years old can qualify for placement in the International Department of Letterland if one of the following conditions applies*:
- of non-Dutch nationality, parents working temporarily in the region
- of Dutch nationality, who are returning to The Netherlands having already received International education in the English language
and wish to continue their primary education in English
- of Dutch nationality, if within two years their future education and location is expected to be in a country other than The Netherlands and will be expected to attend another International or English speaking educational establishment
Letterland consists of an International and a Dutch Department and although the main core of teaching takes place in the individual classrooms, every opportunity will be taken of to allow the departments to integrate and work together.
During integrated activities the children learn about each others cultures and languages.The subject Physical Education (PE) is taught by a specialist (Dutch speaking) teacher Integration also takes place throughout the year (celebrations, projects, summer fair, camp, museum/theatre visits) and friendships across the departments are stimulated during learning and recreation.
The Letterland International Department is a diverse, international community of students, parents and educators, forging covenants in learning and teaching for the success of all learners. Therefore it fully believes and commits itself to integrate individual diversity and cultures.
The Dutch government provides substantial funding for the school, including the international department, and therefore the school is required to conform to Dutch law.
The International Department is part of The Dutch International Primary Schools - tDIPS - in The Netherlands and in the future of the European Council of International Schools (ECIS).
More information
School Address
International Primary School Almere
A.Roland Holststraat 58
1321 RX Almere
The Netherlands.
Website: website