Insurance > Accident insurance the Netherlands

Accident insurance the Netherlands

An accident insurance is designed to provide financial protection in the event of an unforeseen accident or injury. It provides coverage for specific injuries or accidents that you or covered family members may sustain.

Accident insurance the Netherlands
Insurance: Accident insurance the Netherlands

What does Accident insurance cover?

Being insured means you enjoy financial protection in case of an accident. You receive a predetermined amount if you become permanently disabled due to an accident, or you are entitled to reimbursement of medical or dental expenses resulting from an accident.

This applies to accidents at home, outside your home, and in traffic, both within and outside the Netherlands. Your family members are also covered if they are insured according to the specified household composition. In addition, occupants of your car, bicycle, motorbike, and moped are insured.


The insurance covers dental and medical expenses resulting from an accident. 'Accident' also includes:

  • Poisoning
  • Contamination from involuntarily falling into water
  • Injury from involuntary ingestion of substances or objects
  • Sudden tearing or dislocation of muscles, ligaments, or tendons
  • Freezing, burns, drowning, suffocation, sunstroke, heatstroke
  • Exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, or sunburn due to isolation, such as in shipwreck or natural disaster
  • Wound infection and blood poisoning as a result of an accident

Recommended insurers


InShared was founded in 2009 as an online insurer and became one of the most successful insurers in the online market. The go-to market strategy of online differs a lot from the traditional channels, and within this InShared made some clear choices.


FBTO is a highly-rated Dutch insurance provider where you can adjust coverage to your needs. They offer insurance for your car, house, legal matters, and much more. Visit the website to get a direct quote.

Centraal Beheer

Centraal Beheer is one of the biggest insurance companies in the Netherlands with insurances for accident, legal, home, car, your bike and much more.


This page was last updated: 03/18/2025.