Health insurance is mandatory for all residents in the Netherlands. It covers the cost of medical treatments, hospital stays, and prescription medications. Basic health insurance is offered by private insurance companies.
When you live or work in the Netherlands you are legally obliged to have a health insurance. To cover the cost of consulting a general practitioner (huisarts), hospital treatment and prescription medication. Additional health insurance like Dentist care is not compulsory.
The basic insurance package in the Netherlands covers all costs for common medical care services. The Dutch government decides annually the package and the health insurers are obliged to follow this package. Currently (2025), the basic health insurance package covers the following:
In the Netherlands you have two forms of health insurance. Zorgverzkeringwet (Zvw) is a basic insurance which covers common media care which is mandatory for Dutch residents.
Wet langdurige zorg (Wlz) is for long-term nursing and care which is covered by the government for all Dutch Residents.
The price set for a basis health insurance in 2025 will around 156 euro per month.
In the Netherlands health insurance companies charge a contribution to your own risk (called eigen risico). This is a mandatory fee. The standard fee is set at 385 euro in 2025. You can increase this number to 885 euro which will result in a lower monthly fee (15-20 euro per month discount).
Everyone in the Netherlands can change his or her health insurance between the 12th of November and the 31st of December.
You can decide to move to a different health insurance provider or change your current health insurance by for example change your personal contribution (eigen bijdrage). Your new health insurance will always start the 1st of January the next year.
First, by comparing quotes from different health insurance providers you can potentially lower your monthly costs. Bare in mind that in 2025 all the prices will be higher. So make sure you compare the 2025 prices of the different providers and not the one you have now.
Second, make sure you look at your own situation, did this change? If you for example need more physical therapy, dentist work or do you want to get pregnant. Make sure you look carefully at the aanvullende zorgverzekering from the different health insurance providers.
This is very simple, every health insurance provider offers a free overstapservice. This will mean that they cancel your health insurance with your current provider and will make sure the starting the first of January you are fully insured.
This is easy, nothing will change. Bare in mind that in 2025 your monthly costs will go up. This is mainly because of rising health care costs for the Netherlands as a whole.
If you are going to study in The Netherlands you can take out a private insurance because it includes health, liability, accident, repatriation and travel insurance, including pre-existing medical expenses.
When you start your studies in the Netherlands and don’t receive any income in the Netherlands, you (and your family members) can only apply for a private insurance.
For more information check the page Private Student insurance.
Premiums: The average monthly premium for basic health insurance in 2025 is expected to be around €155 to €175, depending on the insurer and coverage options. Compare quotes by our partners below.
Deductible (Eigen risico): In addition to premiums, there is a mandatory deductible amount (€385 in 2025), which means you need to pay for the first €385 of healthcare costs (except GP visits, maternity care, and certain other services) out of pocket. You can change this up to 885 euro.
Zorgtoeslag (healthcare allowance): If you have a lowe income you may be eligible for a zorgtoeslag (healthcare allowance) from the Dutch government to help cover the cost of health insurance premiums. Check the website of the Belastingdienst if you can apply.
Equalization system: To prevent insurers from only targeting healthy rich individuals, the government uses a risk equalization fund to compensate insurance companies that take on more high-risk individuals, ensuring fairness in the market.
If you get sick when you visit another European country, you still receive essential medical care in many countries with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Ask your health insurer to get a EHIC Card for free. When you break your leg outside the Netherlands, the foreign healthcare provider will bill your health insurer for the costs.
FBTO was founded in 1956. Today FBTO belongs to Achmea, which is one of the larger insurance providers in the Netherlands
Univé is a cooperative insurance company in the Netherlands. Univé presents itself as a nonprofit insurer, to express that making profit is not important and therefore has cheaper products.
ASR Nederland is a major Dutch insurance group based in Utrecht which is rated very highly for their health insurance.
Anderzorg is a Dutch health insurer that is part of Menzis, one of the largest health insurance companies in the Netherlands. Anderzorg primarily targets young, healthy individuals who are looking for an affordable basic health insurance plan without too many extras. They offer a range of basic insurance plans with the option to add supplementary coverage.
This health insurance provider focuses on a community with shared values. They bring religion, care and health together. They are part of a large insurance provider in the Netherlands called Zilveren Kruis.
ONVZ Zorgverzekeraar is a Dutch health insurance company that focuses on providing high-quality healthcare coverage and personalized service. They are a nonprofit organization, meaning it does not aim to generate profits for shareholders but instead invests in offering comprehensive health insurance options to its customers.
Whether you are an employer looking to insure your international workers collectively, or you are an individual working in the Netherlands, HollandZorg has you covered. We offer a health insurance plans that suit your needs. We worry about every detail, so you don't have to. You don't have 385 euro eigen bijdrage (own risk) with HollandZorg.